Wednesday 7 March 2012

I might lose my job

I might lose my job. Not because of anything I did, but because someone very vindictive wants to pick on us because she couldn't get what she wanted. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I think part of me wants to cry. I love where I work, and I think I would rather quit my job than work anywhere else. Of course that's absurd, because I have a wedding debt and a mortgage to save up for, and I wonder if she even realizes the kind of hurt she would cause to us. People are selfish, and they seldom think about what their actions mean. In this case, it means that our lines will be posted and none of us will get them, they will most likely go to some random unit clerk from different hospital who doesn't know anything about Neurology. I've worked there for 5 years. I've built up my knowledge, slaved, researched, in my own time to become worthy of working on a specialised unit like that. They don't teach us after school, they don't send us to extra classes like the nurses, wherever we go to after, we need to find that knowledge ourselves, and that's what I've done. I've worked to become the best neurology unit clerk I can be. And now someone wants to take that away me? Why? Because they couldn't get what they wanted? So they decided to pick on us and say "Well if I can't have what I wanted, then you can't have what you wanted" because that is exactly what she's saying. Let me explain.

My other unit clerk and I applied to go full time. We filled out the paper work, we talked to the union, went through HR, spoke with the manager, did everything it said we needed to do. Then a few months later our manager came to us and said "Congrats, approved everything is good we are going ahead with the lines" So I think that's fantastic! And so we have comfortably been working our lines for 4 going on 5 months now. Let me also say, we were working only part time before and its illegal to have no full time unit clerk. Because of previous changed to our floor (becoming Neurology specialised and everything) our lines were separated and it ended up that we were only working part time, so we wanted to make full time so that it would be legal again. The girl who is causing us grief wanted to go to all part time lines, its illegal according to the union, because you have to have at least one full time line. She pushed and pushed for it, because she only wanted to work 1-2 days a week and didn't want to work weekends, so obviously she wanted her lines to get approved, but they didn't, because its illegal.

So now, the most likely scenario is our lines will be posted, the girl will still be stuck in her shitty rotation and me and the other unit clerk will have no job. So the only reason I can see, why she did this, is to be vindictive. I just don't understand why we have to suffer because  she didn't get what she wanted. We did everything right!! We did exactly what everyone told us had to be done, and now because the union changed their minds I lose my job? Umm, hello, you told us it was ok the first time! Maybe its time I went back to school... Just wish I had more money saved, if I had known I would lose my job I wouldn't have been so keen to spend all that money. I still see a psychologist every month for my anxiety. I still have -8,100$ sitting in my bank account from the wedding. If this doesn't say "Ok, start freaking out" I don't know what does. My husband is going to school and has no job. Things I can do to be pro-active about this uncertain future.

Step 1. Don't actually freak out
Step 2. Don't emotional eat, Don't go shopping
Step 3. My husband is done in April, that's 2 months, I just need to keep this for 2 more months.
Step 4. Proactive saving. Save like crazy, no more spending, gotta get that emergency fund going!
Step 5. Post-pone honeymoon if need be, will wait and see. Might need the money.
Step 6. Hebrews 11:1