Thursday 18 August 2011

The Average Woman

I need someone to help me design a clothing line, and we will call it "Clothing for the average woman" which will include clothes for hourglass women , where a size 12/14 is average size, not +size, and where women can shop and feel good about purchasing clothes that fit them properly, I'm sick of going to the store and thinking "My hips don't fit in these pants" and thinking there's something wrong with ME, there is nothing wrong with me, there is something wrong with society who thinks curvy women are fat women, I want to be able to buy a skirt that fits me in the hips AND the waist, I shouldn't have to choose! I shouldn't have to feel bad about myself because my hips don't fit in a medium, and am forced to purchase the large size that's too big for my waist and falls down all the time just because the A-line wasn't BIG enough. You think I sat down with God and helped him design me? No, I did not! If my body is comfortable in a size 9 I shouldn't have to feel bad about it! I shouldn't have to feel bad about myself when I look in the mirror and think I'm fat, and that I should be a size 7 instead. My body doesn't work like that, my body looks anorexic like that, this is just the way I am. Being a size 9 doesn't mean I'm unhealthy, it doesn't mean I don't exercise. Just because I don't spend 3hrs a day running on a treadmill or doing weights doesn't mean I don't care about myself. I might eat unhealthy food sometimes, but it tastes good and I think I deserve a treat sometimes. That doesn't mean I eat unhealthy food all the time and don't take care of myself.

I hate the label society has put on me. A should have smaller hips, I should have a tiny waist, but still maintain an hourglass figure, I should have big boobs but you don't make shirts for women with big boobs and small waists, all those button up shirts don't fit because they are meant for a 30 waist and B cup, well you know what? I'm a 30 Waist and a C Cup, so you can go shove your button up fancy shirts. When I go to the store and grab a large and its tight this tells me a large woman should be a size 7 and that the average size (medium) should be a size 5. Did you not hear me? I'm a size 9. The only time I was graced with being a size 7 was when I stopped eating! STOPPED EATING!! When I started eating again you know what I turned into? A size 9. I've kept my same eating habits for the past 8 months, I tried on my wedding dress 8months ago and you know what? 8months later it fit exactly the same as it did the first time I tried it on. You know what this tells me? My body is comfortable here. I don't lose weight, I dont gain weight I just stay here. I'm sick and tired of thinking I'm fat. I'm sick and tired of being worried every time I visit my grandmother if she's going to comment on my weight. I'm sick of her pointing at my belly and saying "You've gained weight" You know what that gives me? A complex. So every day when I get changed and I look in the mirror I see a fat stomach, and I see fat legs and I see an ugly person. But the truth is I'm none of those things.

And I'm sick and tired of hearing about woman who think they are those things. I have an aunt, she's really tiny but is obsessed with being skinnier and skinnier. And it makes me really sad to think she feels that way because she is a BEAUTIFUL woman!! And I know she works her ass off to stay skinny, but she shouldn't have to feel like that. She shouldn't have to think "10 more pounds and then I'll be perfect" And sure people exercise because they love to exercise and that's perfectly fine, but nobody should feel bad about gaining 10lbs. Its just 10lbs, seriously, no body notices, except you and when I gain 10lbs I notice. And when I gain 30lbs I notice, but you know what? Nobody else noticed. My co-workers didn't notice, my parents didn't notice, my fiancee didn't notice... only I noticed, because only I stood on that scale hating myself. And I wish I could change that. I wish I could make clothes to fit the average woman. I wish I could make a store that had affordable clothing, where I could buy a button up shirt that fit me in the bust and the waist, where I could purchase a skirt that fit me in the hips AND the waist, where women could come and buy jeans that didn't cut off the circulation in their legs. There are enough stores out there for the size 4's and 6's, all 100 of them. We need a store for all the thousands of women who are the size 9's and 12's and 14's and who are just as beautiful!! Without being labeled PLUS size. We are not PLUS size, we are NORMAL size. When all the size 11's are gone and all that's left are the size 2's, this is telling me something important, this is telling me most woman are this size. This is making me confused why there aren't stores for people this size. Why can't there be a store that starts at a size 7 and ends at a size 18? Why does the store have to end at a size 11 and then the PLUS store starts at a 14, what about all those 12 and 13's?! Where do they live? In the magical land of "I'm never going shopping because nothing ever fits properly". If I ever make a clothing store its going to start at a size 7 and go to a size 18. And my slogan will be "Clothes for the average woman". And my mission in life will be to make every woman feel beautiful in her skin.

I am beautiful, no matter what they say!! I am beautiful and normal and NOT FAT! I am not fat! I am not fat. I am not fat.

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