Monday 28 February 2011


I don’t know how I should start this. I can’t say I have ever read a book that affected me like this one. This I find very strange; and it bothers me a little. It could be that I find Bella very relatable; she is so average she could be anyone. She’s clumsy, she doesn’t fit in; she has no definite opinion on life, love, she only knows one thing. Edward Cullen hates her. So many people complain about this book. They complain that the Vampire lore has been butchered; who is Stephenie Meyer to change how Vampires have been written to be for centuries? And all this time I think, “You’re missing the point of the book”. This book isn’t about Vampires, this book is about Bella and anything that is about Bella is naturally also about Edward. This is not a story about Vampires; this is a story about a love so strong that nothing, not even death could ever separate them. Instead of adding a complication like “I’m in love with my boyfriend’s best friend” she added the complication “I’m in love with a Vampire”. Which in my opinion makes it much more intriguing, to say the least. Who wouldn’t find a Vampire attractive? They have all the natural “born” skills on how to perfectly kill a human and hide the evidence. They are fast, they are strong, they don’t make a sound, they are incredibly beautiful and they are dead; they don’t exist.

But for some odd reason we find that Edward doesn’t hate Bella, he finds her irresistible. No other person has ever smelt so to speak, as delicious as her. She is also the only person whose mind he has never been able to read and for some strange reason finds all of her responses incredibly fascinating. Not like the other girls who are predictable, who think of boys and fashion and dances. Bella is different. So here we have the blossoming of something… although it’s a little hard to tell at this point. This is the most PG love story I have ever read. But saying that, I have also never read any other love story with as much passion, with as many intriguing complications or with as much careful consideration as this one. Because what vampire has ever had the self-control to love a human and what human has ever trusted a vampire enough to not kill them?

This book ends with the blossoming of a first true love. And who doesn’t want to remember what it felt like? When you first kissed, when you first held hands, what you saw in each other’s eyes. This is the making of some kind of twisted fairy tale, where a lion falls in love with a lamb. I had to keep reading.

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