Sunday 30 September 2012

Life and Poetry

Last night I slept over 11hrs. It was past 11am when I woke up, and it felt really great. Recently I have tried to take at least one morning where I can sleep as much as I want to recuperate from the busy week and its been very effective. I'm not as tired during the week if I can have just one whole night to sleep, and over the past few weeks I haven't had to force myself to sleep, I just give into exhaustion and rest and when I wake up I'm surprised at how late it usually is. There is something about letting my body rest that helps me deal with other things in life better. I'm less grumpy, I don't stress out as much, I'm not snappy, get less annoyed and just feel happier in general.

This weeks success story is work has been totally crazy and I didn't freak out once. Not one single time. There was a very close call on one occasion when I thought I lost some very important papers but one of the nurse's helped me look and she found them so that crisis was averted. If I found myself getting annoyed with something I would have this pop in my head "do it for yourself". Don't do it because someone asked you, but do it because you want to do it, and my annoyance or irritation would fade away. And I found when I would get too overwhelmed someone would jump in and start helping. 

For example, my last shift for the week was yesterday and it was a really crazy day, like, I didn't go for lunch until 3pm crazy and all of a sudden the nurse's started jumping in and helping me out. Answering the phone, or picking up orders, we just all together powered through a whole bunch of work together and I was able to go for my lunch break and I was really touched. I felt so lucky that I worked with such amazing people and grateful that I didn't even have to ask, they just saw how overwhelmed I was and jumped in to help. I left work a little stress, a lot tired, but proud. Proud to work with such good people, and proud that I made it through a whole week without snapping or getting angry.

I also wrote a poem!! Or I thought a poem. Walking to work one morning I composed a poem.  The last time I wrote a poem (that was good) was about 6-7 years ago. Somewhere I lost the inspiration, every time I would try it would feel forced and I'd scrap it. This is progress! This is more proof that I'm headed in the right direction! 

The sky
Bright pink streaks
Cold chill
Fog on the river
Traffic rush
The world waking up
Leaves crunch
Another morning in September

This isn't the one I wrote that morning, I had forgotten it by the time I got to work, but this is really similar to it. It describes my morning, as a poem!! I wrote a poem!


P.S. Today I appreciated hot showers and ice water.

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