Wednesday 12 September 2012

Update and The Catcher in The Rye

I know I've been absent. I could make up a bunch of excuses but the truth is I just haven't taken the time to sit down and write any reviews, and let me tell you they are piling up!! So expect me to post a bunch in the coming days :D I did that crazy thing where I borrowed a ton of books from the library and felt like I did nothing but read for 4 weeks. Now that I've slowed down a bit, hopefully I can become a bit more consistent with writing the reviews as I finish the books. Or you know, at least post twice a week. I have really enjoyed all this reading, even under pressure. When I didn't feel like reading I read anyway to reach my deadline and honestly, after I got into the book, I didn't even mind! I've read so many different kinds of books and my list just keeps getting bigger, it seems like there is always a book to read and I don't know if I'll ever catch up, or want to.

I started this as a goal to reach 500 books before my 26th birthday but I've discovered a whole world of books I didn't even know existed and I'm loving it! From classic to contemporary, fantasy to reality I can't seem to devour fast enough. I even feel smarter, haha. So without further ado, here's my very small review on The Catcher in The Rye.

The Catcher in the Rye

I didn’t like this book. It wasn’t a bad book; it’s just not my kind of book. I don’t really have much to say about it either. I think my biggest problem with the book was the main character. I couldn’t relate to him and I didn’t really feel bad for anything that happened and honestly he was really annoying. I pushed through the book to finish it, but by the end of it I just couldn’t stand to listen to his thoughts anymore. I understand that it was written during a different time and his character was obviously written that way specifically but I just couldn’t get passed it. He just seemed to whine and it turned into a constant droning in my head about how everyone was so fake and how he hated everyone for it. And after 200 pages of it, I was just glad it was over.

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